Case study

Sarah’s challenge with anxiety and gut issues

Sarah* came to Wholme struggling with both chronic constipation, bloating, abdominal pain and anxiety.

Patient profile

Name: Sarah

Age: 35

Gender: Female

Occupation: Office Manager

Medical history: None

Case study

Sarah came to my Naturopathic practice complaining of chronic constipation, bloating, abdominal pain, and anxiety. She had been experiencing these symptoms for several years and had tried various over-the-counter remedies, but nothing seemed to help. She was frustrated and anxious about her condition, as it was affecting her quality of life and ability to perform at work.

Assessment and treatment

I conducted a thorough assessment of Sarah's medical history, lifestyle, and symptoms, and ordered blood tests to identify any potential imbalances or deficiencies. The tests revealed that Sarah had low levels of vitamin D and magnesium, which are essential for healthy bowel function and can contribute to constipation and anxiety.

Based on these findings, I developed a personalised treatment plan for Sarah, which included dietary changes, supplements, and natural therapies. I recommended that Sarah increase her intake of fiber-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, to promote healthy bowel movements. Additionally, I suggested that she take magnesium and vitamin D supplements to address her deficiencies and support healthy digestion and immune function. To address Sarah's anxiety, I recommended mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, to help her manage stress and promote relaxation.


After a few weeks of following the treatment plan, Sarah reported significant improvements in her symptoms. Her bowel movements became regular and more comfortable, and her bloating and abdominal pain decreased. She also noticed a decrease in her anxiety levels, and she felt more relaxed and focused at work.


By addressing the root causes of Sarah's chronic constipation, bloating, abdominal pain, and anxiety, and providing personalized and holistic treatment, I was able to help her achieve significant improvements in her overall health and wellbeing. This case study demonstrates the effectiveness of Naturopathic medicine in addressing complex health issues and promoting optimal health and wellness.

*not pictured

Debbie Kaczor
Wholme Naturopathy